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Janet Gifford

Two things to do right now to help your business get back on track.

Updated: Jun 21, 2020

When 2020 started, who would have thought before the first quarter was over, we’d be where we are now? Certainly not me – and I'm going to bet not you.

This first quarter has

KICKED OUR COLLECTIVE BUTTS. And what’s to come is anyone’s guess.

What I DO know (and I always trust my instincts) is that even though your business may very well have taken a huge hit financially, unless you simply are ready to throw in the towel for good you’ve got to get your business back on track at warp speed.

And by back on track at warp speed, I mean a couple of things. Right Now. Things I know a lot about, and things you need to give some serious thought to.


1. REFRESH YOUR WEBSITE How’s your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? When was the last time you did some research to know what key words you NEED on your site? Where do you land in the long line of websites when someone types in – say – ‘custom golf clubs’? What key words will get you front and center on someone's Google search?

When was the last time you updated your CONTENT? Are the words your site visitors read RELEVANT for you right now? Are your words SUPER ENGAGING so your readers will to want to know more about you? Order from you? Come in your store and buy from you? If you’ve not updated your content lately (or ever?) ... NOW is the time to do that.

2. GET ON TRACK WITH YOUR EMAIL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Maybe you already have an email marketing program. Or maybe you don’t have one yet.

If you ARE using email marketing – and it has fallen by the wayside lately – now’s the time to get back on that wagon. Get you content calendar set up. Get your email list in order. Figure out what you want to talk about, and when you want to talk about it. Create a plan to ADD MORE NAMES TO YOUR LIST.

YOUR EMAIL LIST IS GOLDEN and has a ton of long-term value to you and your business.

If you’re NOT using email marketing yet, and you’re not regularly communicating with the people who do business with you, you NEED to get ON this wagon! Start building your list (there are simple ways to begin), figure out how you want to reach out, when you want to reach out, and what you want to talk about. There are several email marketing providers that make it EASY TO SEND things like newsletters, promotions, tips, other news items relevant to your clients/customers, etc.

Seth Godin has a great quote that is SO LEGIT for right now:

"Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make or sell, it’s the STORIES you tell.”

So right now, take some time and figure out what your NEW STORY should be and how you’re going to tell it. What will your website say about you and how do you engage folks to click through? How does what you say get them through your front door? Once they’re on your email list, what are you going to say to them? How often will they hear from you? What can you share with them that compels them to WANT to do business with you?

Now, more than ever, and definitely for the rest of 2020, the saying “Facts Tell; Stories Sell” should be stuck on our collective foreheads.

Your STORY is what is going to bring people back to you. And that, my friends, means you’re back in business.

p.s. - Shoot me an email and I'll send you my tip sheet on FOUR WAYS TO BUILD AND GROW AN EMAIL LIST.

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