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Janet Gifford

4 Content Tips to Build More Business

It's the beginning of a new year, and this is the month when I reach out to clients and ask these questions:

"What's the plan for 2023? What's new? What do you want to focus on to attract more business? How do you want to update your content?"

The answer I often get? "Um, let's see............... I haven't really thought about it."

Here's the thing, friends. You may have a great website that's full of useful information and attractive photos. That website is one of the ways you've added new clients and customers over the years.

If you want to grow your business this year, it's likely time to update your content. What's new. What's coming up. What have you got that more people need this year?

Tip #1: You don't need to start from Square One.

The content you worked hard to create back when you built your site is probably still relevant today. It likely just needs some refreshing. Take 10 minutes and read through your site. Note places where either the content is old, or it's missing important information that has happened since the last time you updated it. Don't have a staff person who can write/rewrite for you? Hire someone! If I wrote your content, let's revisit from your last refresh. If someone else did, reach out to them. If they're not available, get on my calendar for 2023.

Tip #2: Photos really are worth a thousand words.

Those photos you have on your site? How old are they? How many of them are stock photos you purchased, that have also made the rounds on lots of other websites? (including your competitors...) Hiring a photographer to do a custom photo shoot can be expensive, but the ROI is there. If you're sending potential clients and customers to your website, for goodness sake show them engaging photos that tell YOUR story - and why they need your company/products/staff.

Tip #3: Ramp Up Your Presence

Did you know that the average person spends 2.5 hours a day scrolling on social media? (Techjury 1/2023). For Gen Z'ers, 54% spend up to 4 hours a day. (Morning Consult 12/2022). If you're not leveraging social media in a BIG way, you're missing out on a huge opportunity for more business. Do you have savvy staff who know their way around social media? Ask them to help you cultivate a stronger presence. If not, hire a consultant whose expertise is in both strategy, messaging, and implementation.

Tip #4: Ramp Up Your Direct Connections

This is a big one for me. There are so many companies with databases of clients and customers - who rarely reach out with what's new. I'm a firm believer that while social media is one piece of the marketing puzzle, direct connections are critically important.


Do you have an email campaign? It can be weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. If you have one, are you consistent in sending it out? Is it time to ramp up the frequency? In order to maintain important client & customer connections you've got to stay top of mind with them. There are lots of platforms for email newsletters these days - I'm a big proponent of ones that have auto-features to them. Write ahead and schedule when communications go out. If time is an issue and you don't have staff to write for you, hire someone like me. Together we can create a plan, write great content directed at your clients & customers, and make sure they're hearing from you on a regular basis.

Not sure where to start? Reach out and let's talk about ideas. Take advantage of my free 30-minute first consult where you can pick my brain and I can give you ideas based on your current website and communications platforms.

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